10 way to secure you facebook accounts
1. Enable Login approval
To start this, Go to settings > sequrity >
Enable login approval > click continue
>Facebook sent to u 6 digit Confirmation
code > Enter the code into the box
Then > close.
2. Enable login alarts
>Click enable login alarts
>Click on
3. Add trust contact, minimum three
4. Add legacy contact like your close
friend or family member
5. Don,t click to unfamiliar link if this
message box also
6. Don,t conform request unfamiliar person
7. Use sequrity keys to proctect your
8. Manage Recognized Devices
Your Recognized Devices
Select any device you wish to remove,
* follow your activities,
* check where you are logged in
9. Don,t login unfamiliar website,apps,
games etc, & Don,t saves your password
any laptop or any browsers
10. Last you must use strong password &
*Password must be minimum 8 digit
* use this simble in password #$@%&!
* password must be changed after 15
days or 1 month each.
* Don,t share your fb password any person
You can follow these rules your accounts
sequrity must secure.
10 way to secure you facebook accounts
Reviewed by samiul siddique shakil
10:38 AM